A small introduction

About Us

Patmell Cleaning Management Pte Ltd is a home-grown company established by two like-minded individuals – Patrick Chng and Kamell Koh, who are passionate about and committed to providing professional cleaning services and solutions to our clients.

Let us introduce our team

About Us

Patrick Chng was formerly a senior manager in an electronics multinational corporation. He has a background in engineering, and 30 years of professional experience in managing supply chains and product design development.

Kamell Koh has 25 years of work experience in managing and providing cleaning services in hawker centers, food courts, coffee shops, dining restaurants and renowned institutions via TST Cleanng Services a sole proprietor company, now a subsidiary of Patmell Cleaning Management Pte Ltd

We Strive and Achieve

We believe in building long-term relationships with our clients by collaborating to create a clean, hygienic, sustainable, and comfortable environment for all patrons to dine in and enjoy their meals.

We have earned our customers’ trust and satisfaction by providing the utmost dedication to our work, a highly efficient work process, and the delivery of extremely consistent work performance.

Patmell Cleaning also prides itself in being able to meet standards set by professionals in the cleaning industry. All our workers have been trained and certified under the Singapore Workforce Development Agency (SWDA) and Singapore Workforce Skills Qualifications (WSQ) frameworks. At present, we are in the process of attaining Bisafe and Cleanmark certification. We believe in continuous learning and skills upgrading to meet the challenges of an ever-changing landscape.

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